Imported Bavarian Beer from independent breweries
Now there’s a job to envy! Our Biermeister tastes his way through just about every boutique Bier produced
in Bier-obsessed Bavaria, patiently culling a long-list down to a tasty top-shelf shortlist of German beer. But, because these
boutique Biers are produced in strictly limited quantities, our list changes often, according to availability.
We are very proud to recommend Arcobräu, Stiegl and Hofbräu as our favoured tap Biers.
The Bavarians have been serious about Bier for more than 1000 years! In 1487 they introduced the
Reinheitsgebot (Purity Laws). These laws stipulated that only three ingredients were allowed in the making
of Bier – water, barley and hops. Today, half a millennium later, those laws still apply to the brewing of
the German beer we serve at the Hofbrauhaus.
At the Hofbrauhaus we are proud to support ‘pure’ Bavarian Bier. We’ve thrown off the restrictive shackles
of Munich’s corporate breweries and spread our wings to source the very finest Biers, schnapps and liquors
from the best boutique producers in Bavaria.
Our range includes ‘On Tap’ Bier – from light well balanced lagers and dark malt full flavoured lagers
to cloudy pale ales and clear crisp pilsners we pour purely Bavarian. We also have a short list of the
best bottled boutique Biers produced in Bavaria for your drinking pleasure including wheat Biers,
dark ales, bock Biers and light lagers.
Embrace the true Bavaria at the Hofbräuhaus: home of the best German beer in Melbourne.
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